Why choose BCBSRI?
Why choose BCBSRI? Maybe because we’re a trusted, local organization. Maybe because we offer virtual fitness classes and in-person help at Your Blue Stores. Discover what you get with BCBSRI.
Need information about your plan?
Flexible Benefit Card, gym membership, and other benefits
Start here
Is this for me?
If you buy insurance on your own, not through an employer, you'll learn how to choose, purchase, and get the most out of a plan for you and your family.
Is this for me?
If you purchase your health insurance through your employer, this section will show you how to make the most of your plan, from benefits to extra perks.
Learn about this year’s plans, hear what other people are asking about, and get your own questions answered. RSVP is required.
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Call 1-844-418-2384 to speak with a member of our sales team.