Help for opioid use disorders

Opioid use disorder is a serious problem in Rhode Island and across the country. Opioids are a class of drugs that includes heroin, fentanyl, prescription pain relievers such as oxycodone (OxyContin®), hydrocodone (Vicodin®), codeine, and morphine.

Where can I find help?

If you are struggling with opioid use disorder, you can participate in substance use disorder programs in the BCBSRI network without approval in advance. Your provider can recommend a treatment plan that will work best for you. It may include the programs and services described below, which are covered by your BCBSRI plan:

  • Office visits
  • Intensive outpatient programs, typically three days per week, three to four hours per day
  • Partial hospitalization programs, typically five days per week, five hours per day
  • Inpatient care, 24/7 care in a hospital setting, typically lasting a few days
  • Residential care, typically a short-term stay in a residential setting close to a member’s home

For immediate help and treatment, call the 24-hour, statewide Behavioral Health Link at (401) 414-LINK. (In an emergency, always call 911.) You can also contact the BCBSRI Behavioral Health Line at 1-800-274-2958 for access to the resources and services a family member may need.

Specialized programs

In addition to your traditional benefits, BCBSRI has partnered with community providers to offer the specialized programs described below.


BCBSRI members receive services from their healthcare team, which may include a case manager, psychiatrist, therapist, and other healthcare professionals. Services can be received at HealthPath offices, the member’s home, or over the phone. This program is offered in collaboration with BCBSRI and Care New England.

Peer Recovery Coaching

Through this program, members work with a peer recovery coach—a person who is in recovery from an alcohol or drug use disorder and has been through extensive training to provide support to others struggling with recovery. Search for "peer support services" in the Find a Doctor tool.

What is Narcan?

Narcan is a brand name for naloxone, which is designed to reverse an opioid overdose. You can get naloxone at many pharmacies without needing your doctor to write a prescription. Without any insurance, Narcan would cost about $150 for a box of two. BCBSRI covers Narcan and generic naloxone with no prior approval needed, and your cost will vary depending on your plan.

How can I help prevent opioid use disorder?

Here are three ways you can protect yourself and your family:

  1. Ask about alternatives to opioids. If your doctor prescribes opioids after surgery or an injury, talk with your doctor about whether opioids are right for you. Ask your doctor these questions:
    • Could non-opioid alternatives relieve my pain?
    • What if I have a family history of drug use?
    • How long should I take this medication?

    See this list for alternatives to opioids for pain relief.

  2. Take unneeded opioids to a drop-off location. You can help keep opioids out of the hands of others by taking them to a drop-off location. CVS has drop-off boxes, and you can bring opioids to almost all police departments in the state, no questions asked. Find locations at
  3. Talk to your kids about opioids. You can find resources for talking with your kids at the Partnership for a Drug-Free Kids. BCBSRI recently supported PBS and the Rhode Island Student Assistance Services in creating and distributing a curriculum focused on opioid use prevention. You can download the lesson plans for middle school students and high school students.

Helpful resources

Get connected to care through this 24/7 behavioral health crisis intervention service. You can call 401-414-LINK (5465) or visit their 24/7 Triage Center in East Providence.

Helping You Find the Right Care

This brochure details the comprehensive options available to BCBSRI members for mental health and substance use disorders.

Are you or someone you know struggling with substance use disorder? Through the Safe Stations program, you can visit fire stations in Rhode Island and get connected to treatment support and recovery. Find locations of participating stations.

Find an overview of the risks of opioids, including fentanyl, and resources for opioid use disorder treatment.

Learn about the Governor’s Opioid Overdose Prevention Task Force and the RI Department of Health Overdose Prevention Program as well as resources for treatment and recovery.

This guide explains how to respond to an overdose with Narcan and assist in saving a life. It includes Rhode Island resources for opioid use disorder treatment.

Don’t keep unused prescriptions around the house. Learn how—and where—to get rid of medicines or medical waste.

The taskforce provides support, education, and advocacy for substance use prevention, treatment, response, and recovery.

Find more resources related to mental health and substance use disorders.

Coverage and cost sharing varies depending on the plan. To see your plan’s specific coverage and costs, please refer to the Subscriber Agreement or contact the number on your member ID card.

This article is provided for informational purposes only and does not constitute medical or other professional advice. It is not an endorsement or recommendation of a particular healthcare provider or treatment program.