Improve health and well-being by leading access to high quality, affordable, and equitable care

Shaping a brighter, healthier future
We spent 2023 addressing problems that face Rhode Islanders, from driving innovations that can make care more affordable to investing in primary care to improve access.

We partner with results-oriented nonprofits to address critical health issues facing Rhode Islanders
Improving the quality of life of all Rhode Islanders by improving their health.
Investing in organizations that are promoting the health of our community.
Donating our time and talent to more than 100 organizations.

NCQA is a private, non-profit organization dedicated to improving health care quality. NCQA accredits and certifies a wide range of health care organizations. It also recognizes clinicians and practices in key areas of performance. NCQA's Web site contains information to help consumers, employers and others make more informed health care choices.