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Savings & extras

Benefits to help keep you active and independent

$0 national gym membership and home fitness kits

Use your Silver&Fit®1 benefit to gain strength, improve flexibility, and maintain cardiovascular health. Work out at home with a $0 fitness kit or visit over 16,500 fitness centers across the country—including more than 50 in the Rhode Island area.

Learn more and find a gym near you

Fitness classes at Your Blue Store℠

Try yoga, Core & More, Zumba, circuit training, and many other classes all at no cost!

Find a class that’s right for you

$0 private rides

Schedule private rides to your doctors and to places in your community that support your health and well-being, like senior and community centers, libraries, and Your Blue StoreSM locations.2

Call 1-833-972-2774 or visit

Household help

Get hands-on help 7 days/week for companionship, light cleaning, meal prep, and rides. All helpers are carefully screened to make sure they are a good fit for the Blue Cross community.

Call 1-888-865-1314 to get started.

Save on top wellness and lifestyle retailers

Get deals on athletic wear/equipment, personal care, travel, hotel, meal delivery, and more with Blue365®.3

Sign up and save

$0 meal deliveries to your home

You can have a week's worth of freshly made meals delivered to your door when you get home from a hospital or skilled nursing facility (SNF) stay. So you can focus on healing – not meal planning, shopping, or cooking. Once you're ready to go home, call to coordinate your meal selection and delivery.

Call Millonzi Fine Catering at (401) 615-7891.

In-person help at Your Blue Store

You can get your questions answered in person. Stop by one of our convenient Your Blue Store locations and let’s chat.

Find a store near you

1The Silver&Fit program is provided by American Specialty Health Fitness, Inc., a subsidiary of American Specialty Health Incorporated (ASH). Silver&Fit is a trademark of ASH and used with permission herein. Participating facilities and fitness chains may vary by location and are subject to change.

2Available within our service area for HMO & HMO-POS plans only/PPO plan has out-of-service benefit of 50% coinsurance/trip. Any trip over 20 miles will count as additional trips and will be subtracted from your 24 trip total.

3© 2000- Blue Cross and Blue Shield Association -- All Rights Reserved. The Blue365 program is made available by BCBSRI in conjunction with the Blue Cross and Blue Shield Association. The Blue Cross and Blue Shield Association is an association of independent, locally operated Blue Cross and Blue Shield plans.