Save more, get more
We believe finding a health plan should be straightforward—you share your needs and wants, and our local team helps match you up with the best plan for your best life.

Choose health coverage you can count on
All HMO-POS plans from BCBSRI have an expansive network, including 12,000 providers and 100% of Rhode Island hospitals. And they offer flexibility to receive care outside the state.

Everything you need ...
Dental benefits built right in
Dental coverage is built into our plans, with $0 preventive and comprehensive services on covered benefits, including annual cleanings, root canals, and periodontal services.
Hearing aids starting at $0
All of our plans feature $0 routine office visits and annual hearing exams, plus two new hearing aids annually, starting at $0 on most plans, with a broad choice from top brands.
Vision benefits with more convenience
Receive $200 or more for contacts, lenses, and frames, on top of our $0 routine annual vision care coverage. With EyeMed1, there’s no need to swipe a card or wait for a reimbursement.
... and more of what you want
Flexible Benefit Card
Get $75 or more per quarter to choose from hundreds of over-the-counter (OTC) everyday health items. Plus, $175 or more per year to pay for dental and hearing services and copays. That’s in addition to your standard benefits. Use it like a credit card at some of your favorite stores, including CVS Pharmacy®, Stop & Shop®, Walmart®, Shaw’s®, Rite Aid, and Walgreens.2
$0 PCP visits & preventive service
You’ll have no copays for primary care provider (PCP) appointments, your annual physical exam and wellness visit, and screenings and vaccinations. Plus, $0 labs and X-rays.

$0 gym and home fitness
A $0 gym membership – choose from 13,000 gyms, studios, and community centers – $0 home fitness kit, and $0 exercise video library help you get active when and where it's convenient for you. Enjoy more flexibility to join gyms across the country in the FitOn Preferred and Flex networks, including Anytime Fitness, Healthtrax, Planet Fitness, and YMCA.3
$0 meal deliveries to your home
Eat well so you can get well with a week’s worth of healthy prepared meals delivered to your door after a hospital or skilled nursing facility (SNF) stay.4
Save money and stay healthy
Strong Rx coverage and real savings
All of our Medicare plans with prescription drug coverage offer a $0 pharmacy deductible, allowing you to immediately take advantage of low or $0 copays for Tier 1 and Tier 2 drugs in your plan’s formulary—including many generics.
Or get a 100-day supply of many common prescription drugs delivered to your door for $0 copay. We make it easy to do yourself, or your doctor can help.5
$0 dietitian visits and nutritional services
Make a no-cost appointment with a participating registered dietitian, or visit with one at Your Blue Store to discuss your nutritional needs and goals.

Blue365® discounts
Get deals on athletic wear and equipment, personal care, travel, hotel, meal delivery, and more.7
Local support
Talk to people who know where you come from when you call our RI-based Medicare Concierge team or stop by one of the Your Blue Store locations around the state.
1EyeMed Vision Care is an independent company, contracted by Blue Cross & Blue Shield of Rhode Island to provide vision hardware benefit management services.
2Unused benefits do not roll over to the next benefit period. You cannot exceed your benefit amount. Prices, brands, and items vary from store to store. Purchases made online or by phone using the catalog may also be different than what you find in stores.
3Use of the FitOn Health service is subject to the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy, available at ©Peerfit, Inc. dba FitOn Health 2024. All rights reserved.
4Get a week's worth of meals delivered to your door up to four times a year when you get home from an inpatient hospital stay or skilled nursing facility (SNF).
5Pay $0 copay for a 100-day supply of many generic drugs in Tiers 1 & 2. Your actual savings depend on the drugs you take. Available with all plans except BlueCHiP for Medicare Core.
6© 2000- Blue Cross and Blue Shield Association -- All Rights Reserved. The Blue365 program is made avail¬able by BCBSRI in conjunction with the Blue Cross and Blue Shield Association. The Blue Cross and Blue Shield Association is an association of independent, locally operated Blue Cross and Blue Shield plans.