BCBSRI sends Gaps in Care Reports monthly to practices across our network. These reports provide valuable information on open quality care gaps that you can use for planning visits, member outreach, and implementing workflows to close identified gaps. Reports are sent in an excel file (see a sample below). The columns on the left show patient information.
Moving toward the right, the report shows how many gaps the member has and what measures the gaps are in.
“0” means the gap is open, “1” means the gaps has been closed, and “NA” means the member is not eligible for that measure.
Important note: If you are not currently receiving monthly Gaps in Care reports or are having trouble opening the encrypted emails in which the reports are delivered, please reach out to the quality team at the email address below. A quality concierge nurse can help you get set up to use these monthly reports in the most effective way.
For more information on PQIP 2023, or to connect with a BCBSRI quality concierge nurse to enhance your practice’s quality processes, please reach out to QualityHEDIS@bcbsri.org.