PCP $0 cost sharing
All PCP visits (including sick visits) will now have a $0 copay for dates of services on or after January 1, 2025.
Tiering of ASC/OP hospital cost sharing
Please continue to check member benefits to see if their plan is now part of tiered cost sharing.
Inpatient acute/MH care benefit period
The inpatient acute/MH care benefit period is moving to per admission and a five-day copay structure for both inpatient acute and mental health stays.
Radiation therapy benefit change
The radiation therapy benefit is moving to a 20% coinsurance.
Covered acupuncture
As a reminder, it is important for all acupuncture providers to check member eligibility and benefits in a new year as some members may change their plans. Acupuncture benefits vary across all Medicare plans.
Movement of telemedicine cost sharing to match office cost sharing
All services rendered as telemedicine on or after January 1, 2025 will apply to the member’s in-office copay.
Vision hardware allowance
The following Medicare Advantage plans will experience an enhancement to the existing vision hardware benefit allowance on January 1, 2025:
- BlueCHiP for Medicare Extra – $400 allowance
- BlueCHiP for Medicare Value – $250 allowance
- NEW! BlueCHiP for Medicare Access – $300 allowance
Introduction of a new plan – BlueCHiP for Medicare Access
2025 will mark the launch of a new low-income plan in place of the ACCESS program. This plan is called BlueCHiP for Medicare Access and it has $0 benefits for those who qualify for Extra Help, also known as a low-income subsidy.
Elimination of individual HealthMate PPO but continuation of group HealthMate PPO
We will eliminate the individual HealthMate PPO Medicare Advantage plan. Group HealthMate will continue.
Current HealthMate PPO members will need to actively enroll in a new plan during the Annual Enrollment Period (AEP) or they will drop to Original Medicare and not have Part D coverage. Members will also have a Special Enrollment Period (SEP) to enroll in a new plan, but if they fail to make an active selection before December 31, 2024, they will have a lapse in Part D coverage.
Members who choose to move from HealthMate PPO to a BlueCHiP for Medicare plan will need referrals for services as of January 1, 2025. Referrals can be entered for the members prior to January 1, 2025 if the member has selected their new HealthMate PPO plan. PCPs will need to change the “As of” date from the date of entry to January 1, 2025 as that is when the new product will be active for the member. If the member is not active in BCBSRI’s system at the time of entry, they will not be found.
Elimination of transportation for many plans
Transportation will only be an offered benefit for members on a low-income plan. Transportation is available for Access plans (12 one-way rides) and the BlueRI for Duals D-SNP plan (72 one-way rides).
Elimination of Papa Pals for all plans
We have eliminated the Papa Pals benefit for all Medicare Advantage plans effective January 1, 2025.
2025 pharmacy changes PBF
Tiering and formulary updates for Medicare members:
- 470 drugs moving off formulary
- 936 drugs moving to higher tiers
Tiering changes
- 137 drugs moving from Preferred Generic to Generic
- 38 drugs moving from Preferred Generic to Preferred Brand tier
- 320 drugs moving from Generic to Preferred Brand tier
- 125 drugs moving from Generic to Non-Preferred Brand tier
- 282 drugs moving from Preferred Brand to Non-Preferred Brand tier
- 12 drugs moving from Preferred Brand to Specialty tier
- 22 drugs moving from Non-Preferred Brand tier to Specialty tier
- Members have rights to the tier exception process for tiers 2-4
Other changes
- 38 drugs added to formulary
- 96 drugs moved to lower tiers
For a detailed list of changes, please click here.
For drugs that are moved off the formulary, where appropriate, please consider switching members to a covered alternative. For members who cannot use a covered alternative please request a coverage exception through Prime Therapeutics. Members impacted by negative formulary changes will be eligible for a transition fill during the first 90 days of the new plan year to allow time for medication changes and/or the coverage exception process.
Coverage exceptions
You can ask us to make exceptions to our coverage rules. There are several types of exceptions that you can ask us to make:
- You can ask us to cover a drug that is not on our formulary.
- You can ask us to waive a restriction to a drug that is on our formulary.
- You can ask us to change coverage of a drug to a lower cost-sharing tier. For example, changing a non-preferred drug to a preferred drug cost-share.
How fast will a decision be made?
For a coverage determination, our plan is required to provide a decision within 72 hours of receiving the prescribing physician’s supporting statement. However, if a member’s health requires a faster decision, you can request an expedited coverage determination, and we will provide you a decision within 24 hours after we get the prescribing physician’s supporting statement.
Use the following link to start the exceptions process:
Helping People get the Medicine They Need | CoverMyMeds
2025 exception reviews can be submitted as of November 1, 2024.
Helpful online resources
Did you know that all our Medicare formularies and utilization management (UM) criteria are available online? The formulary is a great tool to help members and providers understand what drugs the plan covers; which of these drugs have UM edits, such as prior authorization, quantity limit, and/or step therapy; and which drugs in the same therapeutic category do not have UM.
Click the link below to explore our formularies and UM criteria:
Pharmacy | Blue Cross & Blue Shield of Rhode Island (bcbsri.com)