Oct 1, 2022

Formulary updates – October 1, 2022

Large Group and Small Group Markets Formulary

The information on the above linked page is effective as of October 1, 2022 and applies to all commercial BCBSRI products, including all large group, small group, and exchange (individual) markets. These changes do not apply to BlueCHiP for Medicare plans. Any changes to this list are the result of a comprehensive review of relevant clinical information by the BCBSRI Pharmacy and Therapeutics Committee.


Individual Market (Direct Pay/Direct Pay Exchange) Formulary

The information on the above linked page is effective as of October 1, 2022 and applies to the individual markets/exchange programs. These changes do not apply to BlueCHiP for Medicare plans. Any changes to this list are the result of a comprehensive review of relevant clinical information by the BCBSRI Pharmacy and Therapeutics Committee.