Jan 1, 2025

HEDIS Medical Record Review and PQIP 2025 Updates

It’s almost that time of year again, HEDIS® medical record review time! Every year BCBSRI takes part in quality studies called HEDIS to monitor our health plan performance. This review requires us to collect and review medical records from February to early May. We know this can add extra work for your office, and we truly appreciate your cooperation.

To provide ease on your office’s workload for these additional requests, we offer several options for record retrieval:

  1. Provider offices may provide remote access to your EMR for our nurse to pull the records remotely.
  2. A BCBSRI nurse can visit your practice to collect the records onsite.
  3. Lastly, your office may choose to gather records yourselves and fax, mail, or email the records using the provided coversheet from the requests sent.

Rest assured, all shared information will be kept confidential and in accordance with state and federal laws, including HIPAA. No special authorization is needed as consent is given at the time of initial enrollment.

If you have any questions or would like to provide remote access to our BCBSRI nurse team, please contact Alexis Vieira at (401) 459-2594 or Alexis.Vieira@bcbsri.org