Measure defined: Percentage of adults (18-85 years old) who had a diagnosis of hypertension and whose blood pressure was adequately controlled (<140/90 mm Hg) as of December 31, 2022.
Best practices and tips for talking to patients:
- To record a patient-reported blood pressure reading taken during a telehealth visit, include the encounter date and value in the patient’s record.
- Ensure the measurer is using the proper cuff size. Cuffs that are too small may produce a false-high reading. Cuffs that are too large may produce a false-low reading.
- Have the patient remain quiet during the measurement and ensure the patient’s legs are not crossed.
- Consider taking the reading twice. If it’s high in the beginning of the appointment retake it at the end of visit. This will assist in reducing any initial stress, which can elevate the blood pressure.
Improve your CBP quality performance:
Don't forget, code to get credit for your BP measurements. Claims with CPT Category II codes can be submitted to get credit for completed blood pressure readings.

For additional information, see the PCP Quality Incentive Program (PQIP) booklet. Contact the Quality Team at BCBSRI for further assistance at or (401) 459-1005.